Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Hey Stinky: Shave Your Arm Pits!

Thought of the day:  If you are one of those people who choose not to shave your arm pits, don't also be one of those people who refuse to wear deodorant !  JUST SAYIN'!

Okay I know we live in progressive times, when woman no longer need to fit into a sterotypical ideal of what the world wants them to be.  And I truly feel that this is a great time to be a Woman.  Glass cealings are being smashed every day by pioneers in fashion, science, politics and so on.  But in this progression I feel have we lost some gender rules that should be reinstated.  Like SHAVING YOUR GOD DAMN ARMPITS!   Out here on the West cost it seems to be widely acceptable to grow a bush under your arms, and that is something I can just not get down with. 
 Once upon a time in m life, I too rocked crochet tops and patcholli, listend to Janis Joplin and ate mushrooms for breakfast.  But I drew the line at excessive, stinky, unsighly body hair.  Here are a few woman that should also draw that line......

AND AS FOR ME:  I'M Back in Action!
IN OTHER NEWS, Yesterday I signed my first legal contract as a freelance designer.  I'm going to be creating Tech Packs for a company that develops collections for major labels- AND according to the contract- that's about all I can tell you.  I must say it was a little intimidating.  I defiantly translated some of the complex lingo in google.
I'm starting to feel like I might be one of the lucky ones.  Like I might be able to make this whole fashion thing work as a career.  The other day someone even described me as "Driven".  DRIVEN?  Really? ME?  I guess I never really saw myself that way.  When you have a clear picture of what you want out of life, you gravitate toward it with ease.  When that picture becomes foggy, like it has over the past year, it starts to feel like a struggle.  So, yeah, I guess you could say I'm driven. But mostly driven by the fact that I have absolutely NO back up plan if this doesn't work out.  Well I guess I could always give Medicine a shot!


  1. your feminity is so sensitive if other women with hairy arm pits threaten it so easily. just saying.
    And sarah silverman is amazing. I didn't even know she was "questioning gender rules" now I love her even more!

    1. agree completely. This blogger is an ignorant, small-minded fool who rejects female bodies the way they are without having to apply a razor all over them. What a dope.

  2. if that is something YOU can just not get down with, shave YOURSELF, but don't tell OTHER WOMEN what THEY should or shouldn't do.
    How is it that you accept guys' armpit hair but women's is so dirty and unclean?
    YOU cannot decide for others what is or isn't pretty, feminine or anything at all.
    you need to ask YOURSELF why do choices, made by other people regarding themselves, affect you so much.
    good luck with that

  3. I like women with hairy armpits. I like hairy pussies too. The hair is supposed to be there, that's why it grows there. I like the smell of a sweaty woman who doesn't wear deodorant. I am an ordinary man. Society is just too full of prudes. Prudes want to force their personal taboos on everyone else. Scent is an important part of sex. Humans need to stop denying that they are animals. Ladies, your hairy pits are sexy, so stop shaving them, and don't be afraid to sweat. Don't be afraid to belch either, real men like real women.

  4. I agree with the other posters. Do all of you shave lovers think that humans found each other repulsive all those many thousands of years before shaving became a Hollywood hype?? Then you must be a total idiot. Get out of your media infected zombie life.

  5. Hair doesn't make something smell, dumbass.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love hairy women ( its natural of course )

    Maybe some of you guys would prefer to have sex with a bar of soap or bottle of deodorant , as the smell of that obviously turns you on more than the smell of a natural woman lol

    Society is strange and of course beauty products make millions out of women shaving &waxing etc so they promote that women must shave/wax to look / smell nice ..( your all fools the ones that beilive it )

    Can you imagine any other mamal in the animal kingdom acting like that ( most of them are driven by natural scent )

    I wish we could go back to the 70s ..ha ha
