SEOUL (AFP) – South Korea's capital city has told Italian fashion house Fendi to remove all fur items from a show of its Fall/Winter collection due to complaints from animal rights groups, officials said Monday.

I'm a little bit torn.  On one hand, as an animal lover it thrills me to see designers reponding to the demads of our socially conscious PETA members. But as a designer, I would hate for someone to tell me what I could or could not use to express my creative message. And trust me when I say, foolish people have tried.
It seems strange that fur is still such a hot issue in runway fashion, yet no one stands outside of ALDO condeming them for the use of leather, or holds court infront of a TOWN shoe store.
I guess I just assume that no one in the modern world wears real fur anymore.
To me its right up there with drinking wile your pregnant, or feathering your bangs (although my "lady-parts" doctor still feels the need to do this!)
Whenever I see a young girl walking down the street in a fur vest I think "How many Polyester manufactures were harmed in the making of your vest?"   It doesn't even cross my mind that it might be real!  It seems like the only people with the audacity to wear real fur, are people who's ego matches the size of their bank accounts.  It really makes me think "You can have fake breasts but god forbid you have fake fur!"
This female MC is styled like 1996 Lauryn Hill and Flows a little bit like Missy Elliott.  I likey!