Thursday, 30 June 2011


Don't have much time today.  But check out these sweet earrings I made from recycled leather.  Just finished a little collection for a potential buyer out here.  I'll be sure to throw up some pics later on.

Thought Of the Day:  Leggings ARE pants.  I know this because I am currently wearing a jumper that is so short, that if I was not wearing leggings you would see my bum.  There for Leggings ARE pants!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Day 3

So yesterday was awesome.  I started doing some graphic design and today I will be taking to the streets to snap some pics of street fashion, for 51 Cities, a magazine I'm going to be contributing to.  "Street Fashion" is a strange thing in Vancouver.  For Women, you have the young that look old and the old that look young.  20 something girls with polyester novelty print blouses tucked into highwaisted (sometimes camel-toe accentuating) tope pants, with huge clip on bejeweled earrings.  And then the hip, wife of a business tycoon, type.  These ladies might be stoked about the way they look, but you would never be able to tell becuse the botox is ristricting all facial movment.  No Disrespect to Botox ( See you in a few years Mr. Botox Needle)   And then we have the men.  Oh the men.  Let me say this- I come from Winnipeg- where the only time you see this many men is suits, is if your standing outside of a courthouse!  And there is simply nothing better than a man in a well made suit.
I will be posting pics from my rainy day street adventures so stay tuned!
Peace- Thank You for sharing my day with me!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Day 2

FOR THE RECORD:  I am really happy but I have to act casual when I take pics from my computer in Starbucks- People Stare!
So what did my day consist of yesterday you ask?  Well I developed a list of international designers I would like to show at Van Fashion Week, I came up with a design challenge for fashion students, and generated a load of awesome promo ideas for Vancouver Fashion week.  And miraculously, I did not encounter a single person who gave me a bad vibe.  (Accept the dude who looked like the Asian Guy from The Hangover- He insisted on reading one of my proposals over my shoulder and felt it was necessary to announce there was spelling mistakes- DUDE IT HASN'T BEEN SPELL CHECKED-  I let it slide b/c he seemed socially challenged)  I have to admit, being surrounded with business people is a lot more peaceful than a room full of cut throat fashion-heads.
But Let me just say this.  I come from a small city.  I went to a modest school.  My shoes cost $25.00 and my necklace came from an Asian Market and cost $5 (bartered down from $7 of course).  All those things considered, you would think that I would not be anyone's first choice in the fashion industry.  But there is something to be said for modesty and hard-work.  I'm starting to realize that competition makes you feel like there isn't enough in the world for you.  As if what you have to bring to the table isn't good enough.  Some people are raised/born with confidence, wether that is a result of a fat trust fund or a flawless smile.   For the rest of us, we have to pretend until we can actually be proud of who we are as individuals.  Pretty proud right now.
In other news:  My first pay check will be spent on shoes!

Monday, 27 June 2011


When I moved to Vancouver I envisioned myself stomping down Granville with coffee in hand on my way to my awesome job. Now I'm sitting at Starbucks on Granville waiting to go into the beautiful building I can see through the window. Thoughts become Things!  Today is my first day with Vancouver Fashion Week working in PR.  Yesterday I was fully prepared to hop on a plane and drag my sorry ass back to Winnipeg.  Today I get to do something great.  People say "You have to start somewhere"  - I'm so happy this is my somewhere.  

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

An Article about Me in Vancouver Fashion

 Face of the Future ~ Trisha Petrovich

Illustrations by TRISHA PETROVICH

Years from now Trisha Petrovich will be the Creative Director behind a top selling fashion label, loving what she does and utilizing every one of her wild ideas. To all those people who tried to steer her career in a different direction, she'll look back and say "I told you so!" Growing up in Winnipeg, the idea of a career in fashion seemed to get strange looks, but this talented designer knew it was the right decision for her. 

Interested in fashion from an early age, Petrovich was a girl happy at home who drew stick people with dresses. Giving herself every opportunity she could to be involved in fashion, Petrovich worked in retail after high school. Hard work paid off and soon she was taking charge of visual direction for 13 stores in three provinces. Petrovich's passion did not go unnoticed and with her boss' encouragement, it was time to take the next step and commit to the Fashion design program at the University of the Fraser Valley.

Talent and passion would not be enough to prepare Petrovich for the entire creative process that goes into designing a full collection from concept to construction. "In fashion school you are the designer, the drafter, the seamstress, and the salesperson. I guess you could say I was a little naive to this fact at first." Yet along with the challenging process comes the rewarding lessons. With no right or wrong answers in design, Petrovich had to rely heavily on her own personal taste and judgment. Learning to trust her perspective and stay true to her vision were the most important lessons learned in school.

Appreciating fashion trends while always wanting to be on the edge of the next big thing, Petrovich designed her grad collection for "a vivacious young woman who is a taste maker!" The Electronic Love grad collection is inspired by the "constant electronic vibe running through life and manifesting in music, art and fashion." Described as "IN. YOUR. FACE; young and sexy," the collection challenges the common notion of taste. The most difficult and research-intensive garment for Petrovich to create was the LED light piece. Lights are sound activated and flash in sync to music. As a nod to the future as depicted by pop culture (think "Tron" and "The Jetsons") and in exaggerated details in shape and colour, the collection has a very "tongue-in-cheek attitude toward fashion."

Petrovich is excited to get involved in the creative process of a Vancouver-based company. "I'm an ideas person. I love taking a small concept and turning it into something larger than life." When asked for a style philosophy she believes it's as simple as " yourself. If your style shows who you are, than it has served its purpose."

You can follow Petrovich's work and read her lifestyle and fashion blog at Best of luck!

For more information on the fashion program at the University of the Fraser Valley go to

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Jonas Bevacqua of LRG dead at 33

It is with a heavy heart I inform the reader of this post that Jonas Bevacqua, creator of LRG has died at 33. MR. Bevacqua your perspective and creations will live on. Your vision and dedication to your craft has been an inspiration to me and countless others. RIP
Here is what we know: (Courtesy of

June 1,

Every loss of life is a sad occurrence, but some deaths resonate louder and harder across this journey we call life. The fashion industry and the world has experienced a great loss with the recent passing of Jonas Bevacqua, the co-founder and creative director of Lifted Research Group, also known as LRG. With Jonas only being 33, the creation and development of the LRG brand has always been at the forefront of his thought process. “I didn’t feel there was a clothing company to bridge the gap among all these different things that we were into – that spoke for that melting pot of what was going on. That’s what LRG was all about.”
Since it’s creation in 1999, Bevacqua, business partner Robert Wright and the LRG brand has always been on a two way street of support and benefit with a host of celebrities, actors, musicians, artists and athletes, all of which have shared the brands sense of style and overall concept of community. Hymie Betesh, Chief Executive of told the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday of the groundbreaking brand, “In essence, they almost created a new genre in sportswear.”
There has been no official word on Bevacqua’s cause of death, but he is survived by his fiancĂ©, son, seven siblings, his mother and father, and a world full of friends, colleagues and fans. Our thoughts, prayers and sincerest condolences go out to all who have had the opportunity to be touched by the wonderful life that was ended far too early.