Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Day 2

FOR THE RECORD:  I am really happy but I have to act casual when I take pics from my computer in Starbucks- People Stare!
So what did my day consist of yesterday you ask?  Well I developed a list of international designers I would like to show at Van Fashion Week, I came up with a design challenge for fashion students, and generated a load of awesome promo ideas for Vancouver Fashion week.  And miraculously, I did not encounter a single person who gave me a bad vibe.  (Accept the dude who looked like the Asian Guy from The Hangover- He insisted on reading one of my proposals over my shoulder and felt it was necessary to announce there was spelling mistakes- DUDE IT HASN'T BEEN SPELL CHECKED-  I let it slide b/c he seemed socially challenged)  I have to admit, being surrounded with business people is a lot more peaceful than a room full of cut throat fashion-heads.
But Let me just say this.  I come from a small city.  I went to a modest school.  My shoes cost $25.00 and my necklace came from an Asian Market and cost $5 (bartered down from $7 of course).  All those things considered, you would think that I would not be anyone's first choice in the fashion industry.  But there is something to be said for modesty and hard-work.  I'm starting to realize that competition makes you feel like there isn't enough in the world for you.  As if what you have to bring to the table isn't good enough.  Some people are raised/born with confidence, wether that is a result of a fat trust fund or a flawless smile.   For the rest of us, we have to pretend until we can actually be proud of who we are as individuals.  Pretty proud right now.
In other news:  My first pay check will be spent on shoes!

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